We offer legal services and assistance to foreign nationals who want to obtain Italian citizenship. Our expert immigration consultants can help you successfully obtain or reacquire Italian citizenship. Each type of Italian citizenship has specific requirements and fulfilments. Contact us for an initial assessment to check your eligibility.
Why apply for Italian Citizenship?
Italian citizenship gives you the same rights and benefits as Italian citizens.
Forget about the ponderous bureaucracy...
Being an Italian citizen will give you access to:
Travel within the 27 EU countries Visa-free
Access to Emergency Healthcare in all EU countries
Attend EU universities at lower tuition rates
Favorable Tax regimes

Pathways to Acquire Italian Citizenship
Our Services to Acquire Italian Citizenship
Our service starts with an initial evaluation to determine your eligibility for Italian citizenship.
Once your eligibility has been verified, we can help you obtain, translate, and legalize the paperwork required for citizenship applications. We will handle the citizenship application and complete it once we have all the necessary paperwork. Additionally, we help with the preparation of applications that are to be presented to the Italian town hall of residency.
Our service includes:
Legal advice on citizenship compliance
Advise of documents to submit and drafting documents
Preparation and submission of citizenship application
Fast-track citizenship procedure
Court action for applicants born to an Italian mother before 1948
Extra services:
Document translation and Attestation
Legalization and Apostille
Residency registration with Town-hall
National Health Service registration
Identity Card application
Home feasibility certificate